In Benali's kingdom I'll get jail time
for these pictures if I alter them
and replace Chimp's (that means
Bush) face with BenAli's face.
I should be in jail if Benali's
sbirs catch me.
More of these pictures Here
White House's NIE story starts to unravel: Following press conference, Bush aides change their story about Iran intelligence - In the wake of a National Intelligence Estimate that concluded Iran stopped its nuclear-weapons program in 2003, the White House story on what Bush knew when has been burdened by contradictions and apparent falsehoods. Yesterday, it got slightly worse. To briefly recap, the president said on Tuesday that he learned about the NIE conclusions “last week,” though he’d been told by Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell that there was “new information” about Iran’s capabilities “in August.” What was that new information? Bush said McConnell “didn’t tell me what that information was.” (A day prior, National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley told reporters that the president was told in August to “stand down” on rhetoric towards Iran, advice Bush ignored.) Yesterday, the White House’s story changed.Salon - The Blog Report - Home
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